Thats wonderful! It like a great experience. Congratulations on bei. . .
Thats so sweet! Its lovely to hear that the RCCR President, Rtn. Ar. . .
We had a wonderful gathering with our club members. Its great that . . .
The Navarathri celebrations, especially with the involvement of our. . .
During the road safety board meeting, members likely discussed key . . .
The "Arimugam - President Learning Seminar I" likely refers to a st. . .
We had a wonderful speaker meeting "Harmony in family" Thanks to Ch. . .
We had a wonderful gathering with our club members and inducted new. . .
We have ISAK Nazar with us in this event! Motivating these young to. . .
24 people joined this massive gathering representing RCCR! And cont. . .
It was a wonderful gathering! We are glad to hear that everyone had. . .
The RCCR installation ceremony turned out to be a grand event honou. . .
Its our pride to have our District Governor Rtn. Mahaveer Bothra to. . .
We had a great experience at the Speaker meeting, and Im glad to he. . .
1. Discussion on installation date and plan, 2. New Member Inductio. . .